The Importance of Personalized Money Management

Why You Need a Personal Financial Advisor

In today’s day and age, society in general relies a lot on being able to do as much as they can with a click of a button. Technology has become so advanced that if you go to a store to buy something, you can often times pick up what you want, have the cashier scan a barcode on your phone connected to your credit card, and you are quickly on your way. While the quick and easy approach to many things in our life can be a wonderful way to save time, I find that many people do not prefer this style when it comes to the subject of their finances.

The method that I find that my clients respond well to is the personalized approach to working with them on their financial plan. The first step that I take in this approach is to find out as much as I can about my client. In order for me to give you the best possible financial direction, it is important for me to know what your short term and long term financial goals and what type of monetary risks you are willing to take, among other things which I detail more when I meet with a client. While it is true that many clients come to me with no idea where to begin when it comes to investments or portfolio growth, learning those individual details about each client will help me to guide them better with regard to the best financial decisions. Once I am able to gather this information, my team and I will be able to set up a specific plan based on your life that you will be able to have control over. We understand that there is not one cookie cutter financial plan that works for everyone.

I also find that there is always a multitude of questions that come along with the investment and portfolio process. I believe that part of my role as a financial advisor is to be a teacher to each one of my clients so that they understand the process and that the steps that are being taken will have a great financial benefit. This means that my clients are constantly involved in each decision that is made and each of those decisions are explained in detail. While it is my ultimate goal to be able to have the money that you invest grow in a number of ways, I am always conscious of possible tax or fee issues that could come up. I have found that having access to a financial advisor that you can meet in person and contact at any time as opposed to having interaction with a solely automated service, gives each of my clients a certain element of security and confidence when it comes to their financial well-being.

The team at PFS Wealth Management Group is always dedicated to ensuring that you feel as comfortable and as confident as possible when it comes to the financial plan that is put together for you. We pride ourselves on giving you the best possible financial advice, while also taking into consideration your thoughts and questions during the process. I encourage you to reach out to our office today to learn more about our personalized approach to money management at 888-331-2821 or e-mail us at